Friday, June 13, 2008

Future Hope

Having a hard time feeling hopeful about the future?
With all this violence , craziness, and uncertainty in the world today that's understandable. If we have been placed on this earth and left to work it all out on our own we would be in for some serious trouble!

But we're not here on our own. That's why Jesus came. He came to offer us hope , both in this world and the world to come.

The place he talks about there is heaven, which is being with God after we die here in earth. Our life in heaven with him will last forever- free from tears and anything that causes fear or pain. Now that's something to look forward to! That's great, but what about right now?What about tomorrow ?

Jesus said that only people who don't know God worry about their future. On the other hand, he promised that for those who get to know him, God himself would see to it that all their needs are met!

When we put our hope ion him, God promised to live with you today on earth and one day in heaven as well. All you need to do to get this kind of hope is to put your trust in him. You take the first step- God will do the rest. Want to know how? Study the bible......

1 comment:

elderchild said...

There is a heretical tradition regarding The One believers
seek to follow, He Who is "The Messiah, The Son of The
Living GOD".

Seems there is undeniable proof that the traditional name
of 'jesus' was not The Messiah's GOD given birth Name
in any language! And proof exists in not just one, but all
New Testament Greek manuscripts from which catholic
and christian translators created their version of the

Yes, undeniable proof!

First, the Greek word "Iesous" was used by those who
translated the Greek Septuagint, which was the Hebrew
to Greek translation of the Old Testimonies.

In the Greek Septuagint, which was translated prior to
the birth of The Messiah, the Greek word "Iesous" was
used to represent "Joshua, son of Nun, so named by
Moses". (Numbers 13:16)

And so it was established that the Greek name "Iesous"
represented the Hebrew name Yehowshuwa'(translated
as Joshua in the English language Old Testaments).

Then in most all the New Testament translations, from
the various Greek manuscripts, the word "Iesous" was
translated correctly as Joshua(Yehowshuwa') in both
Acts 7:43 and Heb 4:8 and then the same Greek word
"Iesous" was traditionally translated as the 'jesus' in all
other places in the English language New Testaments ;-(

However, in the original kjv(aptly named as king james'
version for it was of the church OF england) those who
did the translating of the New Testament decided to
rename Joshua and declared the Joshua of the Old
Testament to be of the same name as their "imag"ined
'jesus' in both Acts 7:43 and Heb 4:8 ;-( At least the
translators of the kjv were consistent, yet the result of
such consistency is confusion ;-(

And so it was that a heretical tradition was established ;-(

Now if one wishes to take liberty and change the name
of the Old Testament "Joshua" to 'jesus', well that is their
choice, yet a sad choice indeed and Truth ;-(

And worse yet you could accept the lie that the Greek
word "Iesous" represents both "Joshua" and the catholic
and christian 'jesus' which would be of babel ;-(

I have been and know that i will yet be accused of having
my portion with the "sacred name folk" or some other
similar religious group. And yet that is as far from Truth
as one could be for i believe that, "that which decayed
and waxed old" did indeed and Truth "vanish away" with
the destruction of the earthly, natural kingdom that was
centered in old jerusalem.

The Kingdom of GOD is now Spiritual and the body of a
believer is the Temple for the indwelling Spirit, The Spirit
that leads believers on The Way to The Truth of The Life.

Sadly, many will say that the name of The Messiah is not
important ;-( When a man makes such a statement to me i
simply reply, "ok, if that's what you believe Martha" or if it be
a woman, "ok, if that's what you believe George".......

Truth is important, for apart from Truth their is nothing but
"confusion and every evil work" and Truth IS that the
"imag"ined name of 'jesus' was not spoken for more than
1400 years after The Only True GOD raised The Messiah
from among the dead!

Prior to that time there was no 'j' sound in the English
language, which is verifiable in most any encyclopedia,
and there never has been a 'j' sound in either Hebrew
or Greek.

Seems the vain "imag"inations of the "catholic" and
"christian" systems of religion have caused "The Way
of Truth to be evil spoken of", so why continue to use
their "imag"ined name for "The Son of Living GOD"?

And so it is i am sad for all yet held captive by the
"strong delusion" of such a tradition ;-(

Yet there is hope!

For Miracles do happen!

Hope is there would be those who would experience
The Miracle that is receiving "a love of The Truth"!

Truth IS, Yahshua(Joshua in modern day english) is
The Messiah, The Son of The Living GOD!

Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of
this wicked world and it's systems of religion, for
"the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil
one"(1Jn5:19) indeed and Truth....... francisco