Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Preparing for the Future

How do we prepare for these various possible changes in the future? What type of training is necessary so that coping will not be painful?
Today is the best time to prepare for the "what might be's" of the future. Try to imagine families in the future and think about how you would like your family to be. Where would you like to live? What would you doing? The various changes it harder for you to answer these questions, far harder than when your parents were in the same situation. A careful planning at an early time will help.
According to J. Rose Eshelman, author of the book The Family, An Introduction, changes that take place and will take place in the community and in the family are not necessarily pleasing or regrettable, good or bad, constructive or destructive.
Whether or not these changes will be welcomed or rejected will depend largely on one's own orientation, experience one's own orientation, experience one are exposed to, the group with which one identifies , and ones value system.

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