Deliver us from the spirit of consumerism,
from shopping lists,
full color catalogs,
and credit card purchases
which haunt us for the rest of the year.
Deliver us from empty cheer and seasons greetings
born of obligation,
sent with out meaning.
Deliver us from the whirl of social events
which supposedly honor Jesus' birth
Deliver us from the spirit of consumerism,
from shopping lists,
full color catalogs,
and credit card purchases
which haunt us for the rest of the year.
Deliver us from empty cheer and seasons greetings
born of obligation,
sent with out meaning.
Deliver us from the whirl of social events
which supposedly honor Jesus' birth
but in reality are nothing more
than another desprate attempt
to coax some joy and meaning
into a life filled to the brim with busyness.
Surely Christmas is supposed to be more than this;
more than another round in bumper car existence:
"How are you doing?"
Bump, bump.
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