Sunday, April 11, 2010

Uses of Plants in Agriculture and Industry

1. Beverages form Plants
Aside from the basic food we eat, plants are used as source of beverages. Coffee, tea and
cocoa are prepared by steering plant substances in hot water. Other drinks are ready made nature. Orange, lemon and grape juice; coconut milk; apple cider and apricot nectar are examples. Still, other beverages come from processed plant such as the "cola" drink from the cola nut of tropical America.

2. Clothing from Plants
Cotton, piƱa and abaca are used for clothing. Other man made fibers like rayon are
manufactured chiefly from cellulose, a plant product. Plants also furnish most of the dyestuff with which cloth are colored.

3. Shelter from Plant Materials
In the Philippines, most of the houses are made of bamboo. Within the home, the furniture
are chiefly on wood of plant fiber cloth. The wall covering is of paper, the paint are dried films of linseed oil and cork.

4. Plants in Medicines
Many medical plants discovered by primitive people are still in use today. The chemical
substances known as antibiotics are produced by the lowly bacteria and molds. Many plants like squash, ampalaya and malunggay are invaluable sources of vitamins. Some plant drugs are violent poisons and habit-forming narcotics.

5. Man Burns Plants For Fuel
Coal, oil and gas are the chief feeds used for heating and cooking. Wood continues to be burned
by heating in many parts in the world. Charcoal, a wood product, is an important fuel in countries where other fuels are unavailable.
Some plant seeds are the chief sources of cholesterol-free vegetable oils.

6. Plants For Recreation and Conservation
We must not forget to mention that plants make pleasant surroundings. The color and scent of flowers in gardens and hothouses, in national and local parks undeniably add beaty to such places .

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