Method / Characteristics of the Products
1. Jam - Mature and well ripened or slightly underripe; small fruits are preferred as well as those rich in pectin and acid such as santol, guava and papaya.
2. Freezing - Uniformly ripe fruits; mature; free from blemishes; frozen as they are harvested.
3. Slating - Green mangoes, santol, cucumber, onions, cauliflower, beans and other young, fresh and tender vegetables.
4. Drying - Young, frsh and tender vegetables.
5. Jelly - Ripe fruits with very distinct flavor such as guava and santol; rich in pectin and acid.
6. Pickling - Fruits and vegetables that are frim, fresh and free from blemishes; large, dark colored cucumbers.
7. Canning - Fresh, firm and crisp vegetables.
8. Candy/ Glaze - Fruits that are firm, mature and fully ripe.