Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Selecting and Arranging Fruits and Vegetables

Select fruits and vegetables that are fresh and have good color. Vegetables should be crisp. Fruits should not be overripe, soft, bruised, moldy and underripe. Choose the maturity of fruits as specified in the recipe. Infested fruits and vegetables which are blemished, covered with mold and those that are underripe or overripe should be separated from the rest and disposed of. Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season.

Method / Characteristics of the Products

1. Jam - Mature and well ripened or slightly underripe; small fruits are preferred as well as those rich in pectin and acid such as santol, guava and papaya.

2. Freezing - Uniformly ripe fruits; mature; free from blemishes; frozen as they are harvested.

3. Slating - Green mangoes, santol, cucumber, onions, cauliflower, beans and other young, fresh and tender vegetables.

4. Drying - Young, frsh and tender vegetables.

5. Jelly - Ripe fruits with very distinct flavor such as guava and santol; rich in pectin and acid.

6. Pickling - Fruits and vegetables that are frim, fresh and free from blemishes; large, dark colored cucumbers.

7. Canning - Fresh, firm and crisp vegetables.

8. Candy/ Glaze - Fruits that are firm, mature and fully ripe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Purchase Food

Foods are purchased in different ways, by competitive formal or informal bid buying, open market buying, and contract buying.
These techniques are practiced in large business establishments. Sealed bids specifications.
The most commonly used method of food buying is open market buying where price quotations are requested verbally from one or more vendors/ dealers and food is ordered in terms favorable to buyers.
Negotiated buying is the purchase of food items wherein production of which is seasonal, limited or restricted. It is a semi-formal way of buying where rules and regulations are less restricted than competitive bid buying.
In contract buying, food is purchased through an agreed upon contract. Purchase of food is routinary and prices remain about the same over a period of time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness has been defined as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness without undue fatigue and ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforseen emergencies. A good level of fitness is important for leading a healthy life. Aside from providing you with energy for work, leisure, and emergencies, physical fitness aids in the prevention of hypokinetic diseases such as such as heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, and others. It may also help us to make the most of our mental capacities, feel good and energetic, and make the most of what life has offer.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Guidelines in Buying Fish

Fish and shellfish are daily food for people near coastal areas and inland waters. Modern ways of fish harvesting, processing and packaging have made fish and shellfish available throughout the year. Fish are classified as fin fish if they have skeletal bones and shellfish if they live in a shell and have no bones. Fin fish are further classified as fresh water and salt water fish. Shellfish are classified as mollusks and crustaceans.
Fresh and frozen fish are available on different forms, depending on the size of the fish, bone structure and shape. Fish are bought live, whole, dressed, fillet, steak, chunk, by chunk, by portions and sticks. The price of fish varies with the form in which it is purchased, the harvest season, maketability and consumer demands. Fish and shellfish are bought fresh, frozen, canned or cured.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you or someone you know is handicapped then you need to check out the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association, otherwise known as NMEDA. They are a non profit trade association of mobility equipment dealers, driver rehabilitation specialists, and other professional deducted to broadening the opportunities for people with disabilities to drive.

Every single one of their members is required to follow strict safety policies that are required by standards of the National Highway Traffic Administration. And these organization does not sell anything; rather they are at the forefront of promoting safe driving and equipment for disabled people.

NMEDA has both dealers and Quality Assurance Program (QAP) dealers. QAP is a recognized accreditation program that tackles Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry. It adheres to the principle that the only way to satisfy customer consistently is to have a systematic and documented approach to quality in order to serve their customers and be sure of their satisfaction.

NMEDA can be the only one group that can help disabled persons get back their independence. Their dealers are the only qualified members to sell handicap vans and vehicle modifications for disabled people. They have a very convenient way of helping you to find a dealer close to your location. Visit and type your zip code to find a qualified dealer that could help you.

Visit my sponsor: NMEDA