Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nonconventional Foods

Another way of solving the problem of food shortage is by using nonconventional source of food. As far as i know, Scientists and technologists continue their search for food sources that increase the world's food supply and improve human nutrition.

This table shows the amount of protein (in percent) found in lean pork, beef, chevon (goat meat), carabeef (carabao meat), rabbit meat.

Amount Of Protein Found in Meat

Pork ---> 17.90
Carabeef ---> 20.47*
Chevon ---> 20.29**
Rabbit ---> 19.7 to 21

*Average of three data sources
** Average of four data sources

Scientist and Technologists also study ways to get protein from leaves and from microorganisms that have been found yield adequate amounts of protein. Protein prepared from leaves is called leaf protein concentrate (LPC), and that from microorganisms is called single cell-protein (SCP). Yeast is other microorganisms are cultured to make SCP that is now used in food preparation. SCP can also be texturized like textured vegetable (TVP) or vegemeat. It can be combined with meat to make hamburger, hotdog, and sausage.

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