Sunday, December 6, 2009

Special Gift

The whole Christmas story is filled with miracles,
like angelic visitations
and divine dreams,
which pale to insignificance
in light of the really big Miracle -
a virgin giving birth
to the son of God!

I cannot comprehend it,
it makes no sense to me.
How could the infinite, eternal God
become a tiny baby?
And not only how, but why?
Why would He choose to born to peasant parents?
Why would He empty Himself
of every advantage of His divine nature?
Why would He choose to become a servant
to the race He created?
Why would He humble Himself
and become a obedient to death,
even death on a cross?
This mystery is too great for me.
I cannot comprehend it,
I cannot explain it,
but I accept it!

For reasons,
which only His holy love can explain,
God chose to become one of us,
to suffer the consequences of our sin
in order to give birth to the miracle of forgiveness/
When I accept His holy love,
His gift of forgiveness,
a Christmas miracle happens in my own life.
My sinful past,
those selfish, hurtful acts,
those pieces of misplaced furniture
which separate me from those I love
and from God,
are suddenly gone and were are one!

Forgiveness does not change the past,
nothing can do that,
but it does something better,
it unlocks the future and that's the greatest miracle of all,
the ultimate miracle of Christmas.

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